
What is a church?

A church is a group of people who live near each other and follow Jesus together. Jesus lived in the Middle East about 2000 years ago and taught about life and God, and Jesus set up his church- how it should run and what it should do. Like any old organization, the church has a lot of history behind it and many beliefs and rules that shape it. We can help lay all that out for you if you are curious, but an easy way to start learning more about what a church is, is simply to know the two main things Jesus taught his groups of followers to do.

First, Jesus taught his followers to gather for scheduled, open-to-the-public “worship services”. What happens at a worship service? At the scheduled starting time, the designated leader (called the “pastor” or “minister”), who stands where everyone can see him, leads the group back and forth through a few activities, like group singing to God, an explanation of a reading from the Bible, praying (speaking respectfully to God out loud), and one or two simple, symbolic, ceremonial rites. Anyone is welcome just to come and watch the worship services even if they do not want to participate in all of it or any of it.

Jesus also taught his followers to support each other in life and learning. Jesus taught that there are some good and true ways to think and live, ways that honor God and are better for us. And Jesus warned us about some bad and false ways. Church people are building basic supportive friendships, patiently helping each other make good life choices, deal with disappointment and pain, and serve other people who need help. We encourage each other with Jesus’s most mesmerizing and inspiring teachings- those about being humble and honest with God and yet being completely freed from guilt and shame. People are always welcome to any church group activity or hangout that interests them.

Do you think maybe God would use you to be part of new church like this? Explore more here.